5 Ways To Get Blog Topic Ideas
When I am coaching my clients on marketing their businesses online, the one thing that they voice the most frustration over is coming up with blog topic ideas. They are constantly coming up with reasons why they cannot think of any topics. I realize this is hard, and often struggle with the same problem.
But blogging is VERY important. Did you know that nine out of 10 companies now use some form of content marketing to attract leads? It is no surprise. Even Facebook’s recent algorithm changes are pushing businesses to focus on quality content.
Not only does quality content help with your social media, but it also helps your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), AND it establishes you as the category authority in your business or field. If you are blogging constantly, people will remember that you are the go-to person on that subject when they need to hire someone. It also establishes great relationships and builds your tribe.
But enough about why – we all know we need to do it. But what do you do when you are stuck? I recently came across a great article that highlighted eight different blog topic generators for blog post ideas. I looked through all of them and picked out my favorites below, but I encourage you to read the entire article because it was very informative and helpful.
1. HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator
HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator wants you to enter three different nouns and then it will come back to you with five different topics that will get your mind working. The best part, you can enter the same three nouns again and hit enter, and will give you five more ideas if you don’t like the first round!
I put in networking, online and offline. Check out the topics they gave me! I will definitely be using this tool again. How easy was this?
2. Portent’s Content Idea Generator
If the thought of three words is more than you can handle, then Portent’s Content Idea Generator is for you. It DOES NOT get any more simple than this. You only have to enter one keyword and then let her rip. This one is actually a little more entertaining since it gives jokes along with the titles. I entered the word “blogging” and this is what it gave me:
As before, if you don’t like what they first suggest, you can enter the same word again and give it another try. Don’t be afraid to try similar words.
3. Link Bait Title Generator
Link Bait Title Generator is not flashy at all but gives the most topic ideas in one sitting that I have seen. It gives titles and ideas that focus the gamete of informative, controversial, or just plain fun-to-read suggestions. I simply entered “blogging” and look what I got. My screenshot could not even fit all the suggestions!
What else is helpful with this tool is if you click on their logo, you will be taken to other tools that will help with the content portion like the Hashtag Finder option. This will help you find an already current and trending hashtag to put in your posts that will help with your SEO and shareability on social media.
4. Buzzsumo
This is for the people that are wanting to dive in a little deeper. If you are wanting to see what your competition is doing, or what the most popular existing articles are on the topic you want to write about, you can use the Buzzsumo tool. You can enter your topic and it will tell you what is getting the most attention: like how many Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ shares.
You can also play around with the filters on the side to get more specific information on your topic. This is really helpful if what you are blogging about is in a crowded space and you want to stand out with your article. Below I am showing what I got when I entered: blogging ideas for small businesses.
5. Ubersuggest
This one will find a ton of possible keywords or phrases for your next blog post. You simply type in your topic or some keywords that pertain to your industry and off you go! It is a free tool from the Neil Patel group. I suggest checking out their website. They also have some free tools you can use for SEO and a cool A/B testing calculator.
Final Thoughts On Blogging
Don’t drag your feet coming up with ideas. We are already in February! Make your blogging calendar today. It is so much easier to sit down and write about something when you know what your topic is rather than having to figure that out first before you even start the writing process.
Yes, planning takes some time but you will be so happy when it is all finished and then you simply produce the article. Need help? That is why I am here! Contact me about sitting down and getting your 2018 Marketing Calendar all set during a 90-Day Plan session. We can also discuss my DONE FOR YOU Program!